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Educational Project Proposal 

Happy Learning is based on the stimulation of the children’s intellectual, emotional, and motor development, preparing them for learning which will take place in later years, and which can be continued at Agora Sant Cugat International School.

Emotions are a fundamental aspect of the Happy Learning programme. The children at Agora Pipo Infant School learn to identify their own emotions and those of their classmates, understanding that there are no good or bad emotions if you know how to identify and manage them. The children also acquire the confidence to start to express themselves.

Similarly, in Happy Learning the pupils do psychomotor development activities to boost self-confidence by getting to know their own body, which prepares them to gain autonomy and experiment with what’s around them. Infant education is a stage in which the children discover and learn from their natural environment, learn to think and creatively solve problems, and learn to act with respect and tolerance for others, as well as other values.

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