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“El Mundo” Ranking 2022

  • Awards and recognitions
“El Mundo” Ranking 2022

Agora Sant Cugat International School has once again been ranked in the top five in the “100 Best Schools in Spain”. According to this prestigious study this year, we remain as the best private school in Catalunya and we are ranked in fourth place in the national sphere.

As always, we want to convey our gratitude to all those who have made and make it possible that our School has obtained this recognition. Firstly, to our students, who are the ones who push us and encourage us to give the best of each one of us every day, to our families, to our staff and to all those who have worked to make this happen.

The “100 Best Schools in Spain” ranking is a benchmark in the education sector and is the result of a detailed analysis. According to different criteria, the specialised journalists in charge of the study give scores in areas such as the teaching model (educational model, external recognition, quality standards), the educational offer (languages, teachers, activities, results) or the material means (number of students per classroom and per teacher, areas, facilities, services).

This year, Agora Sant Cugat has received 33 points out of 34 for its educational offer, 37 out of 39 for the teaching model and 26 out of 27 for its material means, reaching a total of 96 points out of 100. The ranking highlights the comprehensive teaching in the School and its internationalisation, with a community of students from 65 countries. In addition, it positively values that Agora Sant Cugat offers the Continuum of the International Baccalaureate, a prestigious degree that opens the door to the best universities in the world.

Thank you to everyone for making it possible!

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