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The importance of outdoor learning for children at Agora Sant Cugat International school

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The importance of outdoor learning for children at Agora Sant Cugat International school

At Agora Sant Cugat International School, we are committed to providing a high-quality, innovative education that focuses on the wellbeing of our students.  

As part of the Globeducate network, we use a range of measures and initiatives to promote a safe and caring school environment where difference and diversity are celebrated. A key part of these measures is giving importance to play and learn in and out of the classroom and for all ages. 

In today’s world it is increasingly important to offer an education that goes beyond traditional classrooms. This new playground is part of our vision to ensure that students have safe and innovative spaces where they can explore, experiment, and learn in close contact with nature. Agora Sant Cugat International School is making significant changes to its facilities to create an environment that promotes both academic development and personal growth.  

It has been proved that taking learning outdoors improves child development, supports mental health and wellbeing, deepens nature connection and promotes more inclusive and engaging learning. Outdoor learning in education is a planned and purposeful approach that uses activities and resources to enhance learning, mental health, wellbeing and environmental awareness. 

It can be done both on-site (within school grounds) or off-site (such as on school excursions). It offers a stimulating and engaging approach to learning and teachers can confidently weave it into the existing curriculum with minimal additional resources. 

Taking learning outdoors can have a major impact on the learning and development of students. From enhancing problem solving skills to communication and resilience, outdoor learning provides endless opportunities for exploration, experimentation and contextual learning. 

Sir David Attenborough, the English broadcaster, writer and naturalist said: “If children don’t grow up knowing about nature and appreciating it, they will not understand it. And if they don’t understand it, they won’t protect it. And if they don’t protect it, who will?” 

There are so many benefits of outdoor learning for both children and teachers.  

  1. Improvement of children’s mental health and wellbeing. 

  1. Improvement with children’s relationship with nature. 

  1. Education is more inclusive. 

  1. The enhancement of curriculum learning. 

  1. The enhancement of child development. 

For this reason, we have created a new play area for our Primary students at Agora Sant Cugat International School where they can play, learn, relax and be with their classmates, peers and teachers. Opened in September 2024, it caused great excitement within our community, and children love playing in the area. Families can also use the facilities after school as another way of bringing our community closer together. 


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